Surviving lactoseintolerance

March 26th, 2011
I'm mildly lactoseintolerant (sorry I also can't spell) and I have recently been learning some interesting things. My favorite is that chocolate makes the enzymes more absorbable so that they don't make you sick. This really amused since I kinda already knew that, for years I have been drinking chocolate milk yet regular milk makes me sick. I was wondering if anyone else knew some other tricks, not including taking pills or anything that actually involves talking to a doctor.
March 26th, 2011
I drink 1% or 2 % I see a difference. Did not know that about chocolate (or realized it) learn something everyday, GL.
March 26th, 2011
@raepaultorres Arla Foods does a range of Lacto-free milk now that is readily available in stores in the UK and Denmark - and Glambia in Ireland make lo-lacto powder. I have been working in both companies - i'm sure if you look them up on the web you may be able to find their sales outlets
March 26th, 2011
I have Crohn's disease and lactose intolerance comes along with that. I've found the same thing with choc milk. I'm finding that if i don't eat a yogurt a day, my system gets messed up. Which doesn't make ANY sense since yogurt is dairy!
I don't know what to tell you...I guess everyone is different!
March 26th, 2011
@shutterbugger The enzymes in the yogurt are what is helping you. I have a friend with the same issue and any of the ones that are high in probiotics makes a big difference. The fat in milk is also hard to digest so I always stick with 1 to 2% milk or soy. Whole milk kills me, too.
March 26th, 2011
Please keep discussions photography based. I appreciate your condition, but this really isn't the place for health advice.
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