Lightroom exporting/uploading going wrong?

May 12th, 2010
I hope I can find someone who knows whats happening. I edit my photos in Lightroom, export, etc, but when I upload to 365 project the photo comes in its original state, without all the updates! I had this problem once on Facebook too. On the other hand, if I upload the same photos to Flickr they go up edited and finished...same files.
Can anyone help?
Thank you much!
May 12th, 2010
I've never heard of this happening before, but I look forward to hearing from other people who might have a resolution, in case it ever happens to me. Good luck!
May 12th, 2010
I've been reading a bit about the xmp sidecar files and messed with the settings, but still no luck. I'm a newbie Lightroom user. Any help is appreciated! :)
May 13th, 2010
When you click on Export and the box comes up, look under the File Settings.. Color Space. Are you saving your file as sRGB? Because you need to.

Try that and see if it works for you. I just recently had an issue with my photos appearing to lose edits that I did to them, and the Color Space setting was set wrong.
August 8th, 2010
did you fine a resolution to this? I've just started by 365 project and am having this issue with Lightroom.

mind you I'm uploading them via the uploader - is there a plug-in for lightroom/365 at all?
August 19th, 2010
When you click on export where are your photo exporting to? It gives you an option to choose a folder to have them exported to. Make sure you have the correct folder chosen then upload the picture from that folder. You may be uploading the image from the unedited folder rather that the one Lightroom is exporting the edited photo into...hope that wasn't too confusing.
August 24th, 2010
Thanks Jacey, you are right, I wasn't exporting them first, have worked it out - I'm fairly new to Lightroom!
August 25th, 2010
you're welcome! Glad it worked :)
August 25th, 2010
I need to try again. Since i posted this question months ago, i was not able to figure it out and have been posting - gasp - screen captures to lightroom. I know, lame. I have all photos saved to my computer but am just not able to upload them to anything!
Well, thank you for the tip, Im going to try again and let you know how it goes!
August 26th, 2010
mminterlandi, I process the photo, export it to the same folder and with a new name, then upload it, uploading the file you worked on in lightroom doesn't work. good luck!
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