I took a few detours on the way home from Dunstable Downs just to stop every so often, have a look and take some photos. This man with his dog was a picture that took my eye.
Critique welcome. Veteran 365er, 2011 vintage. Only posting occasionally and irregularly now.
I'm an abstract photography enthusiast but not exclusively so.
Born in the...
@anitahoyle@jtookey150 Thank you :-)
I agree, power cables can be an eyesore but they do have their uses. This shot wouldn't have worked without them. I just wish I'd been able to get some more ground in front of the man but there was a gate in the way, and he was walking too fast for me to get a better angle!
I agree, power cables can be an eyesore but they do have their uses. This shot wouldn't have worked without them. I just wish I'd been able to get some more ground in front of the man but there was a gate in the way, and he was walking too fast for me to get a better angle!