While I was on the corporate treadmill, I had various forays into TQM (Total Quality Management), ISO and other organisational programs that we meant to make things better at work.
Regardless of the name of the program, one of the basic principles that comes back again and again is the PDCA mantra. My personal weakness has always been the "Check" step.
And I made the mistake again this evening. *sigh*. I wanted to test a different setting for waterpolo shots (I'm working at another tournament this coming week-end), and spent all the time I had working off the same settings. So when I got home and hadn't achieved what I'd hoped ... I was without an alternative. I know it's only electrons that I've inconvenienced, but really - I should have done batches of pictures using different F-stops, rather than rely on what I thought would work.
This picture I'll keep though. The water effect is super cool.
Originally started the project to improve my photography skills. Over a 2500 photos later it's become a personal diary. I post pictures that mark my...