Little beauty by elza

Little beauty

Today we had all the family for lunch and the morning was dedicated to cooking and the necessary preparations. Finally we are enjoying the rain and winter which have been expected for some days. I only went out for Sunday mass so this picture is from Friday.

A little hidden beauty seldom noticed by hundreds of people who pass it by every day. This little beauty is on one of the doorways of the Palazzo Buttigieg-Francia commonly (but incorrectly) known as Palazzo Ferreria. The Palace was built in 1876 on the site previously occupied by the foundry building belonging to the Order of St John. That old building was called Ferreria and it gave the nickname to the new Palace.

Palazzo Buttigieg-Francia was designed and built by a prominent Maltese architect Giuseppe Bonavia (1821-1885). It was a brave and successful experiment in the Neo-Gothic style, inspired by Venetian Gothic, Byzantine and Oriental themes.
Very nice shot
January 23rd, 2023  
lovely sculpture and carvings and ironwork.
January 23rd, 2023  
Nice find.
January 23rd, 2023  
Such lovely architectural detail.
January 23rd, 2023  
Beautiful capture. I agree absolutely with you. How many like this and even more beautiful have we lost to make way for concrete blocks. Happy New Year because I haven't seen you on this site for quite some time.
January 23rd, 2023  
Nice gate detail.
January 23rd, 2023  
Lovely ironwork
January 23rd, 2023  
I love this photo!
January 26th, 2023  
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