We are Siamese if you please by elza

We are Siamese if you please

The first thing that came to mind when I saw these cats is the Siamese cats song from Lady and the tramp, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly_vxI4nllA.
Now were are the birds?
What birds?
where you find them babies, there are milk nearby!😂 when my nephew was still 5 years old a long time ago and i would babysit him, he loved to watch that movie and sometimes even at the mall, the two of us would just break into that song! i love that song! aces!
January 25th, 2023  
Nice shot
January 25th, 2023  
Perfect title and a lovely shot.
January 26th, 2023  
I guess they are sitting on a window sill and the window is screened. First glace it appeared they were in a cage of some sort. They are beautiful cats. Not familiar with the song.
January 28th, 2023  
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