Today I had my shot 'in the bag' - high clouds in a blue sky above dried grasses but then we walked back home through Bushy Park and I spotted this chap. He is one of the Red Deer stags and he is one of the biggest I have seen over the many years I have been walking in the park. As they are not rutting this time of year and unlike the females are not protecting young, I was able to get right up close.
To be honest, he was way too busy eating grass giving me plenty of time to capture those lovely velvet covered antlers. Although it would have been better if he had lifted his head and looked straight at me, to be honest given his size I was quite glad he was otherwise occupied.
@barrowlane@bobfoto Thanks both - nope, it was my trusty 24-70mm f/2.8. I was about 8 feet away crouching down. I've got used to the deer and how close I can safely get to them although you always have to be a bit wary as despite them being used to people in the park they can get annoyed. Especially the Does when they are have young (June). There have been 3 attacks on dogs this year with one sadly being killed by the female Red Deer (not the stags!), and two were on leads as well.
Just lovely, Emma, I love the details of his coat and antlers, and the light on the grass behind him. You were both brave and cautious and got a great shot, fav for me!