Yeah, I've been THAT girl on the subway... by fauxtography365

Yeah, I've been THAT girl on the subway...

You know the one? She's doing her makeup or crying. Yep I'm guilty of that, but only a few times. ;)

Most New Yorkers have common subway experiences. Here's a few...

When you're waiting on a crowded platform and an equally crowded train pulls up and you notice one car is actually fairly empty...and you realize that it's one of a few things: a homeless person probably shat himself in the car and it stinks to high hell or there's no heat or A/C working.

Another common experience is when a performer (be it musician or magician or some dude selling some obscure newspaper) is in your car, asking for change. One time I got treated to a full-on mariachi band on the subway.

Or how about when the train you're on, suddenly goes from express to local or vice versa and you're like, fuuuuuuuck.

I've spent a lot of time on the subway. I'm often surprised -- or maybe not surprised -- by the random kindness or rudeness of strangers.

I've cried on the subway twice. The last time was last year. I had a really stressful week at work. And by stressful, I mean that a client of mine had coded on the operating table and they couldn't revive him. I ended up being the one to tell his family that he died. Never had to do that before in my career. And then, to top off this lovely week, another client of mine had come into my office in a self-injury, borderline-suicide attempt, bleeding everywhere. God there was blood everywhere. I even rode in the ambulance with him to the hospital. It was kind of traumatic. The man lived, by the way.

Anyway, it was a tough week for me and I held it together. Coworkers remarked that I was handling it but...I knew it was going to come out at some point. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back came that Friday. Up until that point, I hadn't second guessed any interventions I had taken with my suicidal client. My supervisors had even told me I did the right things and I consulted them every step of the way. Anyway, because we're licensed and partially funded by the dept. of health, they sent someone to make an investigation. Which is standard protocol. I get it. It needs to happen.

But it made me feel like shit. My boss was compassionate enough to send me home early. "Ms. T," she told me. "You've had quite a week." Oh, boy, I did.

I fell apart when I got on my 2 train heading downtown. I just started CRYING. Like, a lot. A kind gentleman offered me his seat and asked if I was ok. He was being genuine. I was taken aback. I'll never forget his kindness and concern....

I have other subway stories. Maybe I'll save them for another time.

Happy Monday!
Cool pics and crazy story. Good to know there is some kindness left in the world. Hope you never have to go through that again!
March 11th, 2013  
FAV. Love the pic and the post!

Oh dear, the subway. Me too - I''ve cried on the train, witnessed fights, shared a laugh with total strangers, sang along with that mariachi band (they like the 6 train, if anyone wants to know, and their rendition of Feliz Navidad during the holidays is a delight.)

It's so wild, the characters you encounter on the subway. I think i remember the day you speak of - that was a rough one for you, I know. It's interesting though, and stop me if you disagree, but I find that as hard, cold, and heartless this city can sometimes feel, it always seems like New Yorkers just pull through for you in the clutch. Somehow, just when you need it, someone's there to lift you up. That's one of the reasons I HEART NY!
March 11th, 2013  
@snaphappy1 love love love your response to this! Made my day, actually. And, yes, that mariachi band frequents the 6 lol.

Kindness comes from the least expected places in this concrete jungle. I heart NY too. Also many crazy subway stories too!

@islandk8 thanks! Unfortunately, I don't think I've seen my worst day at work yet...
March 11th, 2013  
I started to read your post and thought, "Uh oh" because I've been there myself, as have many of my friends. I know what the dark feelings are like. And being a guy, I'm "not allowed" to cry in public.

I'm glad you felt safe to vent here and I'm glad that you found kindness on the subway and I'm glad that @snaphappy1 could make your day today. Kindness, from friends and strangers, is better than any Critical Incident Stress Debriefing team.
March 11th, 2013  
@timerskine Tim, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I appreciate the kindness you've extended too. :)
March 12th, 2013  
looks like a creative painting...faving this!
March 14th, 2013  
@demmie thanks for the fav!
March 14th, 2013  
@fauxtography365 great idea!...never rode the subway when i was in NY but its on my to do list next time im there...
March 14th, 2013  
I too could write a book of short stories of the NYC subway experience. Man and none of it too good either. They should install giant sanitizers we can walk thru coming out of there. But I hold my breath, close my eyes and endure as its still the fastest and cheapest way around town.

Sorry to hear about your day. Obviously you are in the medical/psychology field. Tough work.
March 16th, 2013  
@michaelelliott It would be great if there could be those giant sanitizers lol.
March 17th, 2013  
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