Come sit on my couch... by fauxtography365

Come sit on my couch...

I think it's interesting how the term "couch" can mean this object pictured above or it can mean how we express or phrase something.

In my work, "the couch" has meaning. Sitting on the proverbial couch of the counselor, psychotherapist, psychologist, psychiatrist -- it intimidates some, comforts others.

I can sometimes tell how a session will start off before someone even says something, depending on how they're sitting on "the couch." If they're fidgeting, if they won't look directly at me, if their body language is closed off, if they're smiling, if they look tired -- there's some indication there of how it might go down.

Sometimes I find myself mirroring their body language and vice versa. So I try to be very aware of what my body language is saying to them as well.

Try it sometime. Mirroring someone's body language, that is. It's something I studied in grad school, even practiced in role playing therapy exercises. It's interesting how it can affect the other person. I do it sometimes purposefully when in a session. A few times, I don't realize it's happening.

Oh...and if you try it, I don't mean to try it and be a dick about it and mimic the other person in a condescending way. But mirror them subtly, for example, if they cross their arms in front of their body (probably won't be a very open exchange) or if they lean slightly forward, do so as well. It may or may not provide any noticeable results but honestly it's really a useful tool. It's a nonverbal way of expressing sameness, synchronicity, a feeling of security (of course, if the body language is positive). If the body language is negative and it's mirrored back, it's a way to turn a person off...

Anyway...I'm rambling...

Gonna go back and rest on that comfy couch of mine. Hope you all have a good evening!
I feel very comfortable on your couch, my other half isn't here right now so can't practice the mirroring of the body language but will try it. Your posts are nearly always thought provoking, this is no exception.
December 4th, 2013  
December 4th, 2013  
December 4th, 2013  
Don't stop. I like it when you ramble.

These are some helpful insights and I'll have to give it a try at work. It'll probably creep out my staff. But that's OK...that's what I live for! :-)
December 5th, 2013  
@timerskine haha tell me how it works out for you!
December 6th, 2013  
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