Sundays are for selfies by fauxtography365

Sundays are for selfies

Taken Saturday actually.

Cooking for the week today, which means food porn pics. Yeah, I'm THAT girl taking photos of her food with her camera or iPhone. Haters gonna hate.

More random ramblings...

I like my alone time and being alone...a lot, actually. But I realized I hate grocery shopping by myself. Have had to do it these last two weekends without husband because he's been working...and it just kinda feels lonely. Plus it takes twice as long to bring all that shit in the house.

Also Key Lime Chobani? OMG soooo good. Eat it with some graham crackers. And it's so yum.

I was going to try to refrain from cutting my own hair this year...but looks like I'm gonna have to give myself a trim. Shit's getting outta control... hair totally sucks.

Aaaaand finally...

"WEPA WEPA WEPA!!! I want to be with someone who makes me feel wepa all the time. Dassit."

If you don't know what I'm referencing...Youtube/Google it, if you feel so inclined. The kind of humor's not for everyone and not everyone will appreciate it on the same level but I can say living in NYC, and having actually lived on the LES, I've actually encountered real life people similar to her.

Dat shit is classy. Besides...who DOESN'T want someone who makes 'em feel wepa all the time?

Lol there's one of her clips where she says, "My shit is rigorous." Totally not the right word for it or used in the right context. And I don't know why I find that fucking hilare but I'mma use that saying from now on.

Happy Sunday, people. WEPA!
wahh happy and strappy shot have a great Sunday too.
February 9th, 2014  
I soooo love key lime Chobani and agree about including graham crackers. Great dress and selfie. Mighty fancy for cooking. I love shopping alone, but help with the bags is nice. Haters gonns it:).
February 9th, 2014  
"WEPA" or as Austin Powers might say,"Yeah BaBY"! You have Mojo!
February 9th, 2014  
@area2 happy strappy. I like that lol. Thanks for the visit!

@amandal thanks, Amanda! Help with the bags is always nice :) Happy Sunday to you!

@tosee Yeah, Baby! haha Austin Powers. Thanks for stopping by!
February 9th, 2014  
Gorgeous selfie and wonderful weird ramblings. Found the definition of WEPA at

Also an entry for "Cool" that fits "YC" You're Cool/Cute/Crazy
February 9th, 2014  
@tonydebont thanks for your kind words about my photo, Tony! And thanks for my reading my "wonderful weird ramblings". Sometimes I think I just need to shut up and stop writing lol.

As for WEPA I was unaware of that particular definition. There's a comedian who has a whole thing about WEPA and "Das it". Although WEPA by that definition in the link you posted works here too :)
February 10th, 2014  
The sepia tones work well with this shot.
February 10th, 2014  
very cool!
February 10th, 2014  
Hehehe...I did feel WEPA today...after 3 days of gastroenteritis my tummy was fine but I felt pleasantly lightheaded hehehe! This is a lovely selfie! And don't you dare stop your reading them too! :))
February 10th, 2014  
Lololol....I totally know what you are referring to. Das it. Love this pic!
February 11th, 2014  
@islandk8 thanks! My shit is rigorous. Das it. You live in Westchester? That's where I want to go to!!! Glad you know what I was talking about! It was kinda just hangin out there lol.
February 11th, 2014  
@jpgiorgio thanks, JP. Glad you appreciate the ramblings :)

@04haze I've never considered myself cool lol so I'll take it :). Thanks!

@webfoot thank you, Paul!
February 11th, 2014  
Hey I was asleep at the switch again. Love this. The pose, the attire and the processing are very nice indeed. I like your attention to detail with each posture of your body, really makes for a complete work of art. Also, thanks so very much for your wonderful message on my final pic. A warm weather meet up is in the cards. I will likely be posting a giant group thank you in an encore pic tonight. Got some unreal sunset shots of the city.
February 11th, 2014  
@adamj an encore pic too? So you're not completely done yet. Thanks for your kind words about this picture. And, dude, you and ME better plan a summer or warmer weather meetup or I will seriously kick yer fucking ass. I're like my brother from another planet. I know the saying is "brother from another mother" but you know, men are from Mars and women are from Venus and all that crap. Besides I couldn't kick yer ass. Probably could give a good verbal ass whooping though lol. Thanks for the friendship, AJ. Been nice getting to know you this year.
February 11th, 2014  
@fauxtography365 Just what a guy likes to hear a hot chick tell "like a brother..." Oh we will most def work on a new meetup and I will still be keeping in touch with the likes of you Ms. T. Thanks again for your support.
February 11th, 2014  
@adamj ohhhh brother. Lol. I'll stop calling you bro..... P.S. Good luck on Thursday commuting if we get snow. Fuck this fucking winter shit. 😡
February 11th, 2014  
@fauxtography365 I'm spent. Done. Capoot! The deep freeze and shitty snow, ice and slush is just so exhausting. Good luck to you as well :)
February 11th, 2014  
February 12th, 2014  
@fauxtography365 - Yes must have a warm weather meet up and since we are no longer stangers lets drink! A lot!
February 12th, 2014  
"strangers" just had an office pty
February 12th, 2014  
@michaelelliott hehe yes! Let's drink a lot!
February 12th, 2014  
@fauxtography365 - yeah! I'm thinking roof top lounge bar in mid May.
February 12th, 2014  
Your selfies never disappoint. Well done!
February 12th, 2014  
@michaelelliott yes May sounds good. I basically hibernate and don't socialize until it's 70 degrees out lol.

@jbc2013 aw thanks, Josh! :)
February 12th, 2014  
Love the tones of this very sexy selfie. I also enjoy my time alone - but I have to tell you, I am also enjoying my new girlfriend - a lot :)
February 13th, 2014  
Beautifully done
February 13th, 2014  
@soboy5 thank you, Danny! Glad things are going well with you and the new girlfriend!
February 13th, 2014  
geez ... its quite hot in here for a snow day .... can I feel that snow melting so fasssssttt ..
February 14th, 2014  
@friend2303 hehe thanks!
February 14th, 2014  
Beautiful shot and I love Key Lime Chobani
March 9th, 2014  
Classy and beautiful image.
September 13th, 2017  
@dhamp thanks! :)
September 19th, 2017  
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