Trypophobia by fauxtography365


Dudes. Google image searches. Best thing ever. Worst thing. EVER. But, hey, it's what ya sometimes do when you're bored and playing on your phone and googling random things for shits and giggles. I don't think this pic is quite trypophobia-inducing, though...

Crap weather in Manhattan today. Just kinda...dreary and blah. Matches my mood I think.

I hate phony people. I mean, just fucking grow a pair and have the balls to be an asshole from the start. I dunno. To me it's easier that way. Who has time to deal with the bullshit. Show us your true colors, however ugly they may be.

Also...I don't what the hell is going on but twice today I went into a bathroom stall at work just to find out the person before me hadn't flushed. Seriously, people??? What the fuck?

I'm not done hating on people but...I'll spare you all.

I just want a gelato. If I could eat my weight in gelato every friggin day without it making me a fucking fat ass and eventually kill me, I probably would. I assure you, this isn't a feminine-time-of-the-month kind of thing. I just pretty much feel that way all the time. Yep.

There are three simple things that can almost instantly cheer me up. A sunny day. A heartfelt hug. Or ice cream. Seriously. Maybe I should just get myself a regular ice cream cone and call it a day. Because I don't think the sun is coming out any time soon.
Love your tones here and cheer up things...all good. I'd add chocolate, coffee and beach visits to the list. mmmmm, gelato.
June 12th, 2014  
I'd offer a hug, but I'm huddled in a corner after image searching trypophobia!

Nice tones in your pic (& nothing scary)
June 12th, 2014  
@mats365 haha thanks for the hug offer even though you're huddled in the corner there :P And after I googled trypophobia today (i didn't know what it was) I was sooo grossed out...yet oddly found it hard to stop looking at the images... *shudders* eeek
June 12th, 2014  
Firstly, your image fills me with a sense of order and harmony, colours graduated through the spectrum.
Secondly, you continue to educate me, I searched the Trypophobia thing - weird !!
Finally I'd go for the gelato to pull me out of the gloom.
June 15th, 2014  
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