At Work by fiveplustwo

At Work

I offer financial solutions.
I am a medical advisor.
I give marriage guidance.
I assist in family planning.
I deliver babies.
I wear a beard.
I wear a hat.
I know the staff at the airport by name.
I once grew one million trees.
I have kissed a lady.
I have met a Duke.
I chauffered a dead man.
I have drunk wine with the heads of state.
I establish email addresses.
I remove crankshafts.
I have dug a hole.
I travel by helicopter.
I travel by armoured vehicle.
I travel by banana boat.
I am.
At Work.
July 14th, 2013  
Yes, but what do you DO? This is fantastic! I love this theme, group thing too! I'll have to see if I can get one in tomorrow.
July 14th, 2013  
FAV. For all of it; words, photo, you.
July 14th, 2013  
@darylo - all of the above. Some times all in the same 8 hours.
July 14th, 2013  
@luvthyclassics - Thank you Jesse, thank you kindly for the fave. :)
July 14th, 2013  
Wow...busy man....I like how you described yourself!
July 14th, 2013  
@lynnb - Thank you Lynn :)
July 14th, 2013  
Awesome selfie, awesome image, and great idea re 5+2. I love it and will try to participate. I liked your response re 'absence of work' and now am thinking of work away from work...mmmm...
July 14th, 2013  
How long did it take you to think of all these things? They would all be true!
July 14th, 2013  
You are living! Nice to meet you!
July 14th, 2013  
@taffy - you may want to check the discussion boards, 5+2 have announced a new theme...

@maggiemae - Most of these things occur on a daily basis, so they're just a shopping list of what goes on.

@seeingclearly - Thank you Amy, nice to meet you to.
July 14th, 2013  
@bobfoto oh - thanks! Will do!
July 14th, 2013  
big knife.....
July 14th, 2013  
Fantastic. I thought of you last night as I watched an architect friend's photos of his recent trip to Bouganville for the opening of a library he designed there, something to do with the author of the Mr Pip book.
July 14th, 2013  
Cool!!! The bearded, alternate universe John Locke with a hat! :-)
He loved his jungle and his machetes, he did!
July 14th, 2013  
Busy man
July 14th, 2013  
A wonderful capture, all that open space and what a list!
July 14th, 2013  
@teenerweener - Big bush.

@carolinedreams - I see that is to become a movie.

@tabbycat - off to google.

@carldry111 - yup.

@salza - Thanks Sally.
July 14th, 2013  
@tabbycat - The Father of Catholic Liberalism?
July 14th, 2013  
@bobfoto Apparently it opened recently. He showed photos of the village in the movie.
July 14th, 2013  
@bobfoto Close actually, but not quite. You're obviously not a 'Lost' fan. Best. TV show. EVER!!
July 14th, 2013  
super duper...I wish I could grow a beard s a job
July 14th, 2013  
@carolinedreams - oh cool.

@tabbycat - nope, don't watch much teev.

@houdiniem - its so much fun.
July 14th, 2013  
Massive chopper
July 14th, 2013  
Great shot, love the description, interesting life!
July 14th, 2013  
@bobfoto Me neither! I hates it, I does! ..but ad-free Quickflix rocks my world! :-)
July 14th, 2013  
This is an awful comment, but I kinda associated with your words and photo at the same time, and now I think of you as some extremely resourceful bloke that cuts ambilical cords with a mesheti.
Apart from that I like the overall rugged look...or was that not what you were going for....I do need to not type
July 14th, 2013  
a man of many talents, you forgot photographer...nice selfie
July 14th, 2013  
Whew ! Made me tired just to read it all! Renaissance man?
July 14th, 2013  
Amazing! The photo too! Love the wilderness behind you while your welding a machete
July 14th, 2013  
So you don't do much then :-) Love this!
July 14th, 2013  
@johnnyfrs - Massive Bush.

@roseolivia - It has its moments.

@tabbycat - still teev.

@gigiz - I clean up from time to time....

@kali66 - Photography is what I do in my downtime. (although I do take photos for work)

@grammyn - nice way of saying Jack-of-all-trades?

@gsanemone - You need a bushknife up there.

@michelleyoung - I have my busy moments.
July 14th, 2013  
@bobfoto Yes but I didn't want you to think I was implying the end of that adage! ;~{
July 14th, 2013  
@grammyn - heh heh...
July 14th, 2013  
@bobfoto True, but when you watch an entire season of a great show, ad-free in a single weekend, it's more like a movie marathon! :-)
July 14th, 2013  
A man of many talents.
I can only match you on5 of your impressive list
July 15th, 2013  
You have a very interesting life. Are you a wizard? xx
July 15th, 2013  
@onie_m - would like to hear your five... oh and the above is not a complete list.

@psychographer - Beard's a little short for a Wizard... a few more weeks and I'll be at Viking length... Wizard is after that.
July 15th, 2013  
Just spotted another one
Medical advisor
Family planning
Deliver babies
Wear a hat
Chauffeured a dead man ( it was in a plane, so not sure if that counts)
Dug a hole

Have only been in a helicopter once, so really envy you doing it on a regular basis, have added riding in a banana boat to the bucket list and I'll drink wine with anyone!!
July 15th, 2013  
You're never bored, are you?
Absolutely amazing idea and shot!
July 15th, 2013  
Multitasker extraordinaire! Fabulous shot!
July 15th, 2013  
:) great bio & selfie!
July 16th, 2013  
@onie_m - sounds good. And a plane is okay. I added two more to the list today.

@lunaksi - always got a story to tell if someone gets the beer.

@aleksandra - Thank you Aleksandra, I call it improvisation.

@sunshinephoto5 - Its a good yarn.
July 16th, 2013  
Wonderful! I would like to shake your hand, Fav!
July 16th, 2013  
@windridge - Thanks Susan. I would offer my hand.
July 16th, 2013  
Trying to catch up - just came across this. Entertaining and interesting indeed. Maybe everyone should attempt a list like this - especially late in life.
July 16th, 2013  
Impressive - I'm impressed - and inspired to sit down and do this myself - I am assuming that you only included work functions and activities?
July 16th, 2013  
Now THAT'S a knife. You are a man of many hats. Cool selfie. Fav!
July 17th, 2013  
@rvwalker - oh no, do it when you're young.... I'm finding it more a struggle each day.

@kittikat - on this abridged list.

@amandal - nope, just one big hat. (ok, I have others....)
July 18th, 2013  
@bobfoto Babies? You deliver babies?
July 20th, 2013  
I hope you don't use that knife to deliver babies.
July 20th, 2013  
@ozziehoffy - just to the labor ward.

@kjarn - the knife is to keep the babies in the oven until I get to the labor ward
July 20th, 2013  
What a whopper!!
July 20th, 2013  
So glad to see this group (although a bit different) back in action! Love this! You have to be one of the most fascinating people I have ever "met" before!!
July 24th, 2013  
Great pic! Much more poetic than my 14 randoms. It appears that you live a very exciting life! I suppose I shouldn't go on extended hiatus from fantastic sites and miss everything.
August 10th, 2013  
Oh my.
September 15th, 2013  
@filsie65 - ummm thanks.

@tryeveryday - Thanks Michelle... I do enjoy my job and it allows me some variation in life.

@megstorey - same. I do enjoy my life.

@squamloon - you're safe Jim.
October 27th, 2013  
@bobfoto Better late than never with the comments! =P Just kidding.
I think it is great that you enjoy what you do, not enough people do anymore.
October 27th, 2013  
@megstorey :P I only just came back to revisit an interesting time.... Oh and I do love that I love my job.
October 27th, 2013  
@bobfoto I randomly flip back as well. Pictures are fantastic for that. =)
October 27th, 2013  
@megstorey - yup.
October 27th, 2013  
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