I feel like my idiosyncrasies are on constant display here at 365... My bipolar disorder, my love of music, my strong desire/ need for good hot tea and books... I am composed of nothing but quirks really. I asked my husband what my idiosyncrasies are and all he could think to say was that I am scatter brained (very true by the way). I wanted to show something different though... Something that perhaps people don't already know about me... And with my lack of time and rushing about lately this is all I could think of. I am constantly biting things including my poor husband! It is incessant and I can't seem to stop unfortunately. I try, I do try. But there isn't a pencil, pen, or husband around our house without at least a few bite marks on them.
Great illustration of this particular idiosyncrasy - some theorists say that an oral fixation indicates an arrest in some area - I prefer the theory that proposes that comfort in daily stress is accessed through this behaviour - & if the hubby's happy go for it! I like the way your image conveys so much of a contemplative nature - somehow soothing in itself.