waste of an afternoon by francoise

waste of an afternoon

Mr. Pig here. After a fair amount of coaxing, Miss F convinced me that I should give you an update, but I must apologize in advance for any tone of despair that may creep in. It’s not an altogether cheery update as the trials of being a parent of adolescents can be utterly demoralizing. You mourn your cheerful little squealers and you mourn all the fun you had with those kids, who now have approximately zero interest in interacting with their parent in any way, and less than zero interest in civilized interaction. I’ve come to realize that there is actually very little you can do about adolescent children other than pray they stay safe. The standing back and waiting is quite trying. Waiting for everything! Maturity, politeness, action, sense, a normal conversation, a job…

As you can see in the picture, the squealers have now outgrown me, and not by just a little bit. I came to ask them whether they thought it was worthwhile to lounge about on pillows all day while doing little more than playing a few video games here and there. One of the weirdest features of video game life that I have learned about is that they can be perfectly happy just watching others play games as playing themselves! However, I didn’t ask the question. I know already that they will either ignore me or come up with some elaborate denunciation of how their father doesn’t understand modern life. Though much of their conversation has devolved into unintelligible grunts, they do wax eloquent on some topics. Then, having failed to provide an explanation of said life that I understand, even in the slightest, they roll their eyes and go back to the screen. This time, I decided to forbear asking my futile question.

Now, I have always thought that failing to understand another person meant I should talk to that person until I understood something, but persistence on my part leads to rage – also inexplicable – on their parts. The Christmas holiday has just started and I am already waiting for their school to start up again. I suppose I should be grateful, in fact, that they are still attending school. I can’t imagine that they are as rude to their teachers as they are to me.

Francoise here: Mr. Pig was rather reluctant to share his woes. I think he’s secretly rather proud of his giant teenagers, but can certainly relate to his helplessness. But, my get-pushed partner Mary Siegle @mcsiegle requested an update, and Mr. Pig agreed, for which I thank him.
@mcsiegle Thank-you for this challenge!
December 17th, 2021  
How much your story sounded like it came fro Mary! The two of you are definitely a pair in that department.
Great to see Mr. Pig as it has been a very long time
December 17th, 2021  
Well done, and I think we can all relate
December 18th, 2021  
Oh gosh. This is so much like a Mary story complete with photo illustrations. Mr. Pig, the only thing normal about adolescence is that it's never what you expect it to be.
December 18th, 2021  
Oh, dear. Time goes by so quickly. I can't believe how they've grown. I do hope some of the apparent size difference between the pigs formerly known as squealers (PFKAS) (sorry, I can only think of them as squealers) and Mr. Pig is due to the POV. Perspective can be so deceptive.

So...I guess I imagined the PFKAS helping with holiday decorations, making cookies with Crystal, giving Mr. Pig long lists of the gifts they hope he will buy for them, and generally running around like crazy. They ARE handsome young pigs, from what I can see in your photo.

Tell Mr. Pig to hang in there! Pigs mature so much more quickly than dinosaurs. Even though they all are aware they were most probably manufactured sometime in the 40's, the dinos think in terms of thousands and millions of years. I fear the Apatosaurus youngsters and Triceratops Twins will be perpetual adolescents. But we've grown accustomed to that, and have a sometimes trying, but workable relationship with the TT and AY. And I feel all the dinosaurs and Neanderthals have real affection for Frank and me even when it's accompanied by irritation. Frank, of course, has been with most of them for perhaps 70 years or so.

Mr. Pig should count himself lucky in one regard. It looks like the young pigs are playing a video game that is tame in comparison to some of the games I've seen Dan (43 years old!) playing. Their character could be roaming around with an Uzi looking for people and creatures to kill. Yikes! Remind the PFKAS that there are still a couple of hours left to National Roast Suckling Pig Day (Dec 18th) and they'd better straighten up and treat Mr. Pig and Crystal with more respect.

Well, I hate to end on that note. Give the Pig family my wishes that they have the happiest of Christmas holidays and a Wonderful start to the New Year. And the same goes for you and your family! Thank you for the update from Mr. Pig. Very much appreciated. Get Pushed mission accomplished.
December 19th, 2021  
hi Francoise... thank you for the challenge... i'll see what i can do with it... for you, how about choosing an artist (any medium) and taking a photo inspired by their work?
December 19th, 2021  
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