my corner by francoise

my corner

My partner challenged me to take a photo that revealed something about myself. Well, here I am, in my corner away from the 3 boys (& husband) that live in household. No one comes back there but me and dog (also female).
It was sort of hard to take because the best lighting seemed to be almost no lighting, which meant a long exposure, which meant sitting still for a long time while trying to look relaxed.
@staceylane could be that all the trees and mushrooms (pre-365 project) I photograph reveal my passion. This was a tough challenge to think about! But there is my retreat -- away from TV blaring and all the males in household! (and me in it).
February 8th, 2014  
Great picture for the challenge. A place of solitude is so important. Thanks for sharing yours with us.
February 9th, 2014  
Hi Francoise, I am your get pushed partner for this week. I've enjoyed viewing your album -- you do wonderful images of nature and more industrial/city areas as well. It's fun to see your self-portrait here. My challenge for you is a composition one. I'd like you to create an image with strong leading lines.
February 9th, 2014  
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