Signs of September by francoise

Signs of September

joining in the 50 mm, SOOC challenge
Also joining in September words of the month

What could better coincide with busy start of academic year than a) no editing of picture and b) having subject chosen for me. I did pull the picture into GIMP so that I could resize it for uploading. Will change setting on my camera so it takes smaller pictures.
Very sad. Not ready for the cooler weather yet!!!
September 2nd, 2017  
Easy Peasy! Beautiful turning greens
September 2nd, 2017  
nicely presented
September 2nd, 2017  
Well done for combining the two together! Love all the greens here.
September 2nd, 2017  
Nicely done...I'm ready for fall.
September 2nd, 2017  
Good idea to combine the two challenges - have fun.
September 2nd, 2017  
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