• September 2016

1st Sep 2016 - Fly
2nd Sep 2016 - Just a Rose
3rd Sep 2016 - Sprinkler
4th Sep 2016 - His Rival
5th Sep 2016 - Hopping By
6th Sep 2016 - Black-capped Chickadee
7th Sep 2016 - Look me in the eye...
8th Sep 2016 - Grooming Time
9th Sep 2016 - Morning Grooming
10th Sep 2016 - Morning Glory...after a night of rain
11th Sep 2016 - Noble Sparrow
13th Sep 2016 - Just a Bee
16th Sep 2016 - Tattered Fall Flowers
17th Sep 2016 - Harvest 2016
18th Sep 2016 - Tiny Flowers
19th Sep 2016 - Sweet and Simple
20th Sep 2016 - Iris Seed Head
21st Sep 2016 - Sweet Autumn Clematis
23rd Sep 2016 - Spider on Pink
24th Sep 2016 - "One year's seed is seven year's weed."
25th Sep 2016 - Long Legged Fly
26th Sep 2016 - Cone of Shame
27th Sep 2016 - Waiting for Peanuts
28th Sep 2016 - Seed Head
30th Sep 2016 - Okay, okay! I bought some more peanuts.