Gimpy Goose by gardencat

Gimpy Goose

One of the geese by the pond has an injured leg. I've been watching him (or her?) for over a week now and at first he was limping badly but now doesn't seem to use the leg at all. He still gets around by hopping on the one leg but I'm afraid that he cannot take off to fly since they seem to sort of run to do this. This morning I found him sitting by himself in this patch of flowers right by the edge of the pond while the rest of the geese were off somewhere else. I've been slipping him some small pieces of bread, when the others are not near but honestly don't know whether I am being kind or just prolonging the inevitable.
It's amazing what some animals live with but they just get on with it.
June 23rd, 2014  
Poor goose, I'd of done the same
June 23rd, 2014  
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