Accomplished by gardenfolk


Nature does not hurry
yet everything is
...Lao Tzu

Our Magnolias are blooming like crazy. I do not think you could fit another Magnolia on this tree. It bloomed early due to 75 degree weather for the last two weeks.

Last month I did every other day in B&W. That was an accomplishment for me as I do like color. Maybe next year, I will participate in a Flash of Red.
They are such beautiful trees!
March 1st, 2020  
Oh my! Just so beautiful.
March 1st, 2020  
Fantastic. You could use this for March’s rainbow challenge 😊👍
March 1st, 2020  
Yes, I really miss ours that we had in Va. Always the first to bloom!
March 1st, 2020  
March 1st, 2020  
It's beautiful.
March 1st, 2020  
Gorgeous !
March 1st, 2020  
Beautiful blooms!! Great focus and dof.
March 1st, 2020  
Me too .. Gorgeous!
March 1st, 2020  
Very beautiful.
March 1st, 2020  
Wow love the beautiful blooms!
March 1st, 2020  
This is very beautiful!
March 1st, 2020  
A beautiful display of magnolias!

March 1st, 2020  
it is smothered in flower again this year :)
March 1st, 2020  
So pretty, fav
March 1st, 2020  
Beautiful shot
March 1st, 2020  
Beautiful flowers captured Fav
March 2nd, 2020  
Fav ! I love everything: the flower, the DOF, the colors !
March 2nd, 2020  
Beautiful Dof and lovely blooms!
March 2nd, 2020  
Wonderful pink and nice use of DoF.
March 2nd, 2020  
Insta-fav! Beautiful!
March 2nd, 2020  
What a beautiful pink photo to start off Rainbow March!!
March 2nd, 2020  
That’s really early!
March 2nd, 2020  
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