Is It Over? by gardenfolk

Is It Over?

Drop the last year
into the silent limbo
of the past.
Let go, for it
was imperfect.
...Brooks Atkinson

Before I agree to 2022, I need to see the terms & conditions.

Happy new dreams. New days. New desires. New ways. Happy New Year, y'all. Peace, love and health for 2022. Here's to the thrill of hope.
What an expression!
January 1st, 2022  
Love this perfect image of Katniss to go with your title and narrative.
January 1st, 2022  
makes me smile ...fav
January 1st, 2022  
I felt like that too
January 1st, 2022  
Oh delicious! And yes, I want to see the T&C too!
January 1st, 2022  
Fabulous capture - Happy New Year CC :)
January 1st, 2022  
So cute, Katniss looks like she's upto mischief!
January 1st, 2022  
That’s a terrific wish. I love the way Katniss is just peeking over to what might lie ahead. Have a happy and healthy 2022.
January 1st, 2022  
Happy New Year and to a new start!
January 1st, 2022  
Perfect capture :)...Happy New Year.
January 1st, 2022  
January 1st, 2022  
Love those eyes 👀.Fav😊
January 1st, 2022  
Cute shot, love her eyes!
Wishing you the best in 2022!
January 1st, 2022  
Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2022  
Just love this- your photo and your little narrative of Katniss's thinking! And great sentiments to begin the new year, Cathee! Thank you, and to you, too! Fav
January 1st, 2022  
Happy New Year!
Love that Katniss!
January 1st, 2022  
Oh, I recognize these beautiful eyes! 💚 Happy New Year!
January 2nd, 2022  
What a fun peek shot! Big smiles!
January 2nd, 2022  
So cute and great narrative!
January 2nd, 2022  
Fabulous capture and great narrative!
January 2nd, 2022  
Gorgeous shot with emphasis on those amazing eyes. I like your words.
January 2nd, 2022  
Brilliant capture with Katniss and narrative. Happy 2022 to you all.
January 2nd, 2022  
Love those eyes :)
January 3rd, 2022  
Only Katniss! Lol
January 6th, 2022  
SO CUTE. Happy New Year CC, Katniss, Sophie and Dennis. ❤️
January 7th, 2022  
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