On my way elsewhere to try to find a shot for today, I passed the local amphitheatre in our community and saw these two and their mother sitting on the end of the stage you see here, facing away from me. What caught my eye was the rim light that was on their heads from the west, so i turned around, parked my car and walked down to see if I could get a shot.
When i got about 30 feet away, I noticed the mother had a camera in her hand (I figured she was a photographer but found out otherwise). I almost kept walking, but said hello and remarked how nice the light was and asked how their picture taking was going. Turns out the daughter had recently been given a new lens for her Canon and was out trying to learn how to use it. Anyway, as you can see, I asked if I could get a couple of shots and they obliged me with pleasure. Had to crop it pretty hard as there was some kind of a small building to the right that totally screwed up the scene otherwise. A nice encounter.