Was it a wise decicison to come back? I have been reduced to photographing supper preparattions using very poor light and a camera that seems not to focus very well.
I really like this shot. Looks like a great tomato. You need to be here and would hate to see you go. There will be move photo ops. I am stuck inside with residual from a horrible cold so nothing inspiring me at the moment or for a while.
I find that our camera does not like to focus in low light situations. Sometimes using the flash helps, but then the image is washed out. I think your tomato looks pretty darn good, especially being winter. It's got such a nice,vibrant red.
Feeling a little off (even a lot off) is part of the grieving process. Your photography will feel a little disjointed for a while. Don't worry about it- let it run its natural course, but keep at it. Everyone here understands and none of us want to see you go. And tomatoes make a good subject whether they're dinner or not! (My powershot does not like low light that much either but it will eventually focus if I'm persistent.)
@bill_fe@eudora@alophoto@darsphotos@dawnee@kwiksilver@cjphoto@tunia@myhrhelper@darylo Thanks to each one of you for your wonderful support. I recently learned you shouldn't store tomatoes in the refigerator so have started keeping them on the window sill and they get much redder than when stored in the fridge. I wish I coud say the flavor was better too, and it is, but just a little.
@dyanstevens@maggiemae Thank you both for your good advice and suggestions. Apparently I have forgotten everything I almost knew a few months ago. As for the tomato letting it sit on the window sill instead of in the fridge helps greatly in getting better color to it.
@francoise I appreciate the support Francoise
@bina so glad you like it!