@wyomingsis@louannwarren@nicolecampbell@lesip@tunia@windridge@henrir@gijsje@teaandcheddar@cjphoto thank you for all your fabulous comments and FAVs. This was probably the first day we have not had rain in over a week and a half, Leslie. It turned out to be more than a warm summer day, Nicole. If I haven’t thanked you yet Susan and Amy I really appreciate the follow and your lovely comments. Of course, It means so much to me that all of you like this well enough to take the time to comment. Thanks again
@marilyn yes you may and thank you so much. It was a quickie as we got into the car to head to church. @olivetreeann Thanks so much Ann. It was the first day in over a week that we had sun instead of rain.
@olivetreeann Thanks so much Ann. It was the first day in over a week that we had sun instead of rain.