@grammyn I was having a lot of sinus problems and very sore teeth, plus had gained about 10 pounds so I tried a few things and then took it out of my diet as I was eating candy bars and chocolate doughnuts regularly, put it back in and knew it was the problem so leaving it out. Do not get me wrong I love chocolate a lot and my cravings are getting better slowly but if it is not in the house I do not eat it.
@grammyn It is tough to stop chocolate as I love it, but what happens when I eat it helps make it a bit easier. I am actually trying to eat a bit healthier but have a very limited diet since my foods have to be soft as I have severe TMJ and cannot eat raw vegetables, salads, etc. Sometimes it can be overwhelming but once one gets used to it, it gets easier. Enough said. Enjoy some chocolate for me.