Hopper by grannysue


When I opened the door to unload the car, I saw a grasshopper and just hoped he would be still until I could get my camera out. Then I had to change lens because I had my zoom lens on. While I was putting on another lens, he hopped up on part of the door frame. He sat through a few shots with that lens, then I changed to my 50 mm lens and he waited for that also. When I finished and was wondering how I could get him out so that he 1) would not get inside the car or 2) would not get squished in the door, he hopped down on the sidewalk. I think he wanted to get his photo taken! What a poser! This shot was taken with my 18-55 mm lens.
Thank you for viewing and commenting, I appreciate it!
Someone asked what the brown thing is behind him (just past his leg), those are his wings. If you can view really large, you can see that it has some different colorations/hues and it looks like little boxes (squares, rectangles) on them. Part of the wings are green.
Beautiful shot
June 28th, 2012  
Great macro of him!
June 28th, 2012  
Wow, Linda! Perfect shot! Fav
June 28th, 2012  
I went to comment on what you said on my blue jay picture. I'm on my iPad and my fat thumb hit delete instead of reply! :( Thank you for your comment! We have a lot more mockingbirds than we do blue jays, too.
June 28th, 2012  
Great to see this insect so close! What's the brown bit sticking out at the end -- his body! So many colours!
June 28th, 2012  
Love the detail. So glad he was so cooperative!!!
June 28th, 2012  
super focus! great profile view of him!
June 28th, 2012  
Great close up. Fantastic reflection of the grasshopper. Nicely done.
June 28th, 2012  
@maggiemae That is his folded up wings. Part of them are green and then they have the brown look. They really look good viewed large, as you can see the little "squares and rectangles" and the various colors. It's eyes have spots on them or what looks like spots. On my computer, I can view it by the pixel size or the best printed size.
June 28th, 2012  
Fantastic macro, Linda! Excellent details! Great work!
June 28th, 2012  
Wow! This is amazing! Love the detail!
June 28th, 2012  
yes....nice hopper.....
June 28th, 2012  
Such a clear picture of something I am not used to seeing close up...can never catch them!
June 28th, 2012  
Wow, that thing must have been huge! Or do you 18-55mm have macro functionality? Amazing details.
June 28th, 2012  
What a beauty! Amazing detail, focus and a fav!
June 28th, 2012  
Nice shot
June 28th, 2012  
nice photo Linda Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Grasshopper , I don't know If you knew the program kun fu with David Carradine. late 80s. Gerry
June 28th, 2012  
@bankmann Thank you! I used the macro / flower setting on automatic and also took shots with it manually. This one was probably auto, as several shots were not clear and I am thinking those were the manual ones.
June 28th, 2012  
@gerry Thanks! Yes, quite familiar with Kung Fu with David Carradine. In fact, I tried to come up with a title that would work with that show, but just couldn't.
June 28th, 2012  
June 28th, 2012  
@clmiller Thank you and thank you for the fav! I will go back and re-comment on your bluejay. I have deleted accidentally myself, just the other day on someone else's pic. I felt so bad about it, I did re-comment on the pic. Sometimes I have to delete and re-comment because my fingers get dyslexic!
June 28th, 2012  
June 28th, 2012  
@marlboromaam @orangecrush @pawar_ramesh @happypat Thank you! He was amazingly friendly!
June 28th, 2012  
Thank you for understanding! I'm so clumsy with my thumbs!!
June 28th, 2012  
@cimes1 Thank you and thank you for the fav! I appreciate it!
June 28th, 2012  
@midumas Thank you, Michel!
June 28th, 2012  
Fabulous capture!! I keep turning my head to look at him. Did you consider rotating the pic?
June 28th, 2012  
Beautiful capture, Linda ....love the detail and the colors! Yes, he's quite the handsome little guy and must have loved being your model. Lucky you. :)
June 28th, 2012  
Wonderful micro Great capture and beautiful details
June 28th, 2012  
Fabulous Macro Linda
June 28th, 2012  
@m9f9l Thanks! Why yes, I did. In fact, I took shots of him from head-on, and all kinds of positions. Then I rotated them around and I liked this one the best. I can not tell you why, I just liked it the best. I asked for my husbands input and for him it was between this shot and the one taken head-on.
June 28th, 2012  
@karenann @pyrrhula @tonygig Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them!
June 28th, 2012  
A fantastic photo of this grasshopper, Linda and love your story.
June 29th, 2012  
nice closeup, good detail
June 29th, 2012  
Great macro! Looks like he's admiring his reflection.
June 29th, 2012  
lovely shot!
June 30th, 2012  
Great macro of him!
June 30th, 2012  
Great close-up, terrific detail.
June 30th, 2012  
Nice capture, Linda.
June 30th, 2012  
Fantastic close-up!
July 1st, 2012  
Great close up xx
July 1st, 2012  
July 4th, 2012  
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