Retired educator - taught mathematics in high school, went back to graduate school, worked in research labs, and finally went back and taught computer science...
@wikked Thank you Grant, the tree is over 200 years old @swguevin Thank yo Shelia, it is a nice place to have a picnic in warmer weather @kph129 Thank you Kristin, it is the oldest tree in the township
@maggiemae Thank you Maggie, it is a good sight in the spring, I will take another photo at that time @michellelittle Thank you Michelle, it is a grand tree and was spared because of its age when there was a sawmill near by @sangwann Thank you Dione, it really looks nice in the spring
@cindyrez Thank you Cindy, it is a nice place @archaeofrog Thank you Katie, the overcast sky called for it :) @kerristephens Thank you Kerri, it is a majestic tree
@swguevin Thank yo Shelia, it is a nice place to have a picnic in warmer weather
@kph129 Thank you Kristin, it is the oldest tree in the township
@michellelittle Thank you Michelle, it is a grand tree and was spared because of its age when there was a sawmill near by
@sangwann Thank you Dione, it really looks nice in the spring
@archaeofrog Thank you Katie, the overcast sky called for it :)
@kerristephens Thank you Kerri, it is a majestic tree
@karenann Thank you Karen, it is a nice place particularily in the spring