Went food shopping at Trader Joe's. They have various size food carts so children can help their parents. Before I took this photo, I asked and received permission
Retired educator - taught mathematics in high school, went back to graduate school, worked in research labs, and finally went back and taught computer science...
@kerristephens Thank you Kerri, there were several chidren pushing these carts around - it worked well @archaeofrog Thank you Katie, I always ask when taking a child, I feel I owe it to their parents. @webfoot Thank you Paul, I asked and she said - No, thank you
@bruni Thank you Bruni, the children with the carts were well behaved and cute @taffy Thank you Taffy, Trader Joe's is a neat store @sangwann Thank you Dione, a very well-behaved child
@archaeofrog Thank you Katie, I always ask when taking a child, I feel I owe it to their parents.
@webfoot Thank you Paul, I asked and she said - No, thank you
@taffy Thank you Taffy, Trader Joe's is a neat store
@sangwann Thank you Dione, a very well-behaved child