After driving around the coal region of Pennsylvania where Harry S. grew up, we headed back to Lebanon, PA. The sun was setting and I watched all of these crows coming in for the night. They were all cawing something that sounded like Shelly Shelly and I figured that Shelly (@beautifulthing) needed to know they were looking for her :) Best viewed large
Retired educator - taught mathematics in high school, went back to graduate school, worked in research labs, and finally went back and taught computer science...
Harry, do you know why you never see dead crows along the roadside? It's because they perch up in the trees and when they see a car coming, they shout (in their own accent) "Caw, caw!"
@kerristephens Thank you Kerri, never saw so many crows in one place before @kimmistephens Thank you Kimmi, the gathering was really neat @sharonaddison Thank you sharon, and they were not quiet about it :)
@kimmistephens Thank you Kimmi, the gathering was really neat
@sharonaddison Thank you sharon, and they were not quiet about it :)
@5unflow3r Thank you Paula, and they covered a ;ot more trees in that area