This lily is in Bob& Ann's front yard. Ann bought the plant 14 years ago from one of her grandsons when he was in junior high. It has produced flowers every year.
Retired educator - taught mathematics in high school, went back to graduate school, worked in research labs, and finally went back and taught computer science...
Harry, a couple of things: your photo is beautiful and a fav for me. Next, my maiden name was Benson and we had great uncle Harrys in our line somewhere in Victoria, Australia, and thirdly, am now following you.
@kerristephens Thank you Kerri, I found lilies so interesting @taffy Thank you Taffy, I was lucky they started to bloom well we were visiting @sangwann Thank you Dione, the colours really grabbed me @archaeofrog Thank you Katie, the flowers here are amazing
@merpics Thank you Margaret, I have a younger sister named Margaret, as far as I know we do not have any close relatives in Australia, but Gail & I had a great visit to Australia and New Zealand in February and March of this year.
@taffy Thank you Taffy, I was lucky they started to bloom well we were visiting
@sangwann Thank you Dione, the colours really grabbed me
@archaeofrog Thank you Katie, the flowers here are amazing