My Get Pushed challenge this week was to "set up and photograph a still-life or some scene with a Bible, something to indicate ya'lls service branch and something that speaks homeschooling. Then add two more things/items or elements to represent other very important facets of your life." OK, I might have added more than 2 items. The Bible actually covers two of the requirements, as it's a Bible and it's cover is the old Army digital camo pattern. For homeschooling, I have the curriculum we use, as well as a Shakespeare book. The hymnal and flute player represent me. The flag and eagle represent my husband (well, that's actually my flag. My husband had it flown over his command at Camp Ballad in Iraq on Mother's Day 2011. And the eagle is his military rank). The eagle also represent our two boys, as they are both working on their Eagle Scout projects (hence, the Merit Badge Workbook for Boy Scouts). The Bible represents my daughter who is going school for the theology degree as a missionary. I used books because we all love to read.