Yesterday, I noticed the giant trees in town covered in these beautiful purple flowers. I have never seen anything like it. The clusters are nearly a foot long. Took this one near the old magnolia trees I photographed a few weeks ago, looking up at it. Gorgeous spring view of the South. Although, today definitely felt like summer has arrived. I'm also going to use this for this week's Get Pushed challenge to photograph happiness. This definitely makes me happy!
@lindasees Is that what it is? Wisteria? It's gorgeous. I've only seen small bushes like this. These were well above my head, some even 30 or 40 feet up. Sure is pretty.
Wisteria in the South can cover full grown trees and high into the pines. In just a few days, it will be gone so take lots of photos now! Soon the mimosa trees will bloom and then the crepe myrtle and then the magnolias. There's nothing like spring in the South!
@lindasees I hate to disagree but spring in New England is the most appreciated because we have been buried in snow for so many months we have a deep appreciation for natures ability to produce anything in color. LOL We just have to wait for ever for it to come.
This is lovely Lisa. Enjoy your southern spring.
@lindasees More trees are blooming every day. It's getting quite beautiful! @joansmor LOL! New Englanders definitely appreciate spring and summer, since the two together only lasts from June until August! @thresheg@paulam@randystreat@digitalrn Thanks!
This is lovely Lisa. Enjoy your southern spring.
@joansmor LOL! New Englanders definitely appreciate spring and summer, since the two together only lasts from June until August!
@thresheg @paulam @randystreat @digitalrn Thanks!