365.11 by irishmamacita10


"'Tis the Season" It's that time of year where giant masses of uninvited germs try to sneak their way into our lives. Right now we are fighting off the infamous intruder, Snot, and his mighty sidekick, Cough. Like most things in this house, we go big on artillery (aka - 67.6 oz bottle of hand sanitizer) There is one strategically placed outside of our front door and, in case it doesn't catch your eye, there is one waiting for you inside as you take your shoes off. Super distracted that day? No worries, there is another in the kitchen. But wait! That's not all! Our hand sanitizers seem to have met somewhere in the night because their babies (aka - 8 oz bottles) are running amok in the bedrooms, bathrooms, even the car, just waiting to pounce on all the ickies that come our way. Some people may consider this going overboard. But until you have paid for 9 prescriptions of Tamiflu, argued with the nurse that one bottle of eye drops cannot REALLY last longer than two days for the 7 cases of pink eye in your house, or had your husband fly into a panic because he's "hot and doesn't feel good" and proceed to shave off his goatee which, in turn, traumatizes the entire house and brings the majority of his children to tears, please do not judge. (Hand modeling compliments of Finn.....who is currently showing signs of "Cough" but seems to be doing a good job avoiding "Snot")
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