365.286 by irishmamacita10



Tonight was Taylor's Show Choir concert. I really like how this picture turned out. I am still learning all about settings and lighting and how not to suck at getting it all right. And, as an added bonus, my battery was having a near death experience (surprise, surprise, right?) so my shots were limited (code for "I still suck at settings and light")

Anyhow, I managed to get this one where, not only was she the only one in focus, but, I managed to time it to the exact nanosecond that enabled me catch the well documented and much talked about, although never seen with the human eye, mysterious "Teenage Morph". My photo is proof that, at that precise moment, it was occuring with all other teens on stage.

I have watched her closely since we have returned home to try and detect any signs of "Teen Morphing" but all seems normal and unchanged since I last saw her this morning. Since I know Teen Morphing can and does sometimes happen several, possibly hundreds of times a day, I am tempted to keep the camera on her. Perhaps I can find the missing link that all parents around the world search for when suddenly found clueless about Teen Morphing and why it happens. ...if only I would learn to keep my battery charged....

She looked lovely. She sang lovely. She danced lovely. And no matter how much morphing she does, lovely is one part about her that she'll never be able to change.
This great - love us you got the focus on your daughter and the blurr of the others on the stage. very cool
October 14th, 2011  
great capture - looks amazing with all the movement around her :D
October 14th, 2011  
Lovely capture ;)
October 16th, 2011  
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