Using today’s post as a journal entry - a sweet day with my mother (89). After what we’ve seen this past year, with so many parents and others lost to Covid (and other causes), I simply soak in time with her.
@aikiuser We went with an organization that takes seniors and folks with disabilities out in nature to hike, ski, skate, hike, etc.. They had this kicksled, which came in handy for my mom as she needed some extra support and a place to sit occasionally.
@judithg Hi Judith! This kicksled helped my mom, but it is not ideal because you have to keep your feet fairly close together to stay between the gliders ad you push. It did provide support and a place to rest on occasion, though. Someone else on the outing had one of these Velopeds and, although pricey, they are great for off road walking. I believe you can even get gliders to repair the wheels and it’s pretty easy to fold it up and put it in the car if you have someone to help. We’re looking into getting one. More info here: