Tuesday afternoon's little adventure was a hike up Lochnagar by an alternative route; up the Black Spout Gully. It was a wind free day, so a good oppurtunity for us to do this. Usually when climbing Lochnagar, from the point where hubby is standing we circuit the rim of the Corrie to the summit, which is on the right hand side a little behind the rim - you can't quite see it. On Tuesday however, we headed down into the valley by the loch, and scrambled up the gully you can see straight ahead in the direction hubby is looking. It is the widest of the gullies, but care is still required.
Lochnagar is a popular area for rock climbing, especially in winter, as you can imagine, but there have been lots of accidents here, over the years. We are not climbers, but like a wee scramble from time to time - exercising much caution.
Quite an adventure and I appreciate the explanation. I think the reason I go hiking with a dog is to have an excuse not to do scrambles like this anymore !