He's home! by jamibann

He's home!

He asked if we might go for a snowy walk whilst he was home. Yesterday was perfect for that. So, despite a list of other things needing done, we set off for Pannanich hill, thinking we might cross over to Cairn Vallich and do a circular walk of about 12km.

It started off with a light snow and no wind. By the time we got out of the trees it was snowing hard and the wind was picking up. By the time we got to the top of Pannanich hill (only 4km from our house, and a mere 600m of altitude) and started crossing over to Vallich, the wind was up, the snow was blowing and the drifts were thigh deep! We eventually turned back to retrace our steps (which had already been covered over). A sober reminder of how quickly things can change in winter.

It was a lovely, fun walk however, as we were close to home, and we could enjoy the adventure and capture some winter memories.

This was taken on the way back down the hill, just as we reached the shelter of the trees.
Fantastic photo and such a memorable walk!!! Enjoy the time with him around.
December 11th, 2022  
Great outdoor portrait
December 11th, 2022  
Such a fabulous portrait of your handsome son Issi! How wonderful that you were still able to go for a walk. Enjoy your family time, my daughter Katja arrives on Wednesday :-)
December 11th, 2022  
A lovely portrait in the snow and good you were able to turn back when it got worse.
December 11th, 2022  
Fabulous photo of your boy. Great that he got his snowy walk
December 11th, 2022  
He’s Gorgeous! Sounds like a fun adventure you had together
December 11th, 2022  
Lovely shot, glad you cut short your walk, you don't want a disaster by being stranded. There will be lots more chances for walks I am sure
December 11th, 2022  
Gorgeous portrait and what an adventure!! So pleased you were close to home!!
December 11th, 2022  
Such a handsome fellow. You must be pleased to have him home.
December 11th, 2022  
Ah how lovely
December 11th, 2022  
December 11th, 2022  
Such a wonderful hike you had together.. such a wonderful portrait.
December 11th, 2022  
Wonderful wintry portrait, always interesting walking in the winter!
December 11th, 2022  
Oh what a handsome guy - glad you were able to make those memories (a hike you probably both won't forget) this is so good in b&w
December 11th, 2022  
wonderful portrait
December 11th, 2022  
Santa needs his red and white outfit out there!
December 11th, 2022  
Your children are so good to come and visit and seem to enjoy the pastimes that you and your husband do.
December 11th, 2022  
Great wintry portrait.
December 11th, 2022  
wow that was quite a 4km walk , stay safe , fab portrait
December 11th, 2022  
Looks like quite a bit of snow for a walk. Very nice portrait shot.
December 12th, 2022  
A wonderful portrait and a compelling narrative.
December 12th, 2022  
Great narrative. Great shot. Great black and white. Love it!
December 12th, 2022  
What a grand portrait. Always love to hear of your adventures!
December 12th, 2022  
Thats how memories are made. Much better, than doing "other things". And this is a wonderful portrait. Love your choice of black & white.
December 12th, 2022  
What a good looking young man! Nice to have the hike with him, but I’m glad the both of you were clear-headed enough to make the wise decision to head back.
December 12th, 2022  
Lovely portrait and what a day.
December 13th, 2022  
A lovely portrait Issi. Enjoy your family time.
December 13th, 2022  
Such a handsome young man! And so special that you had that time together.
December 16th, 2022  
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