Cycling in to Culra Bothy by jamibann

Cycling in to Culra Bothy

So, we're back and our mission was accomplished. We had a fabulous time with amazing weather.

We set off in the car on Tuesday and plan B was quickly actioned. Our original plan had been to drive to Loch Arkaig, camp with car alongside for 2 nights, do the hardest walk of our trip (30 km, 3 Munros) then drive to Dalwhinnie, cycle 15 km, and set up camp for 2 nights and do the 2 slightly shorter walks from there.

However, on arrival at the beginning of the 12 mile lochside drive to our intended camp spot at Loch Arkaig we were advised that the road was closed until Thursday evening at 5pm. Quick turn around. Drive 1 hour or so back to Dalwhinnie, pack the bike panniers, get the bikes ready, and cycle in to Culra Bothy before it got dark. We made it, and got camp set up and dinner served by 7pm, feeling a little perturbed that our plan had been switched around on us - very destabilising! A couple of things were left behind in the car, but nothing disastrous. 2 rookie errors that first night ... never leave food of any sort outside the tent, even under the fly sheet ... mice will find it, however well it's wrapped. Sounds very obvious, but easily done when there's limited space inside the tent and nowhere else to put it! And don't rely on matches - they will get damp - thank goodness for our little flint clicker.

But as you can see, a magnificent cycle in through the moorland, meeting these beautiful estate horses en route. We gave the white one a wide berth though, as it had a slightly twitchy rear leg!
Shame you had to switch your plans around but that looks like a wonderful bike ride
September 22nd, 2024  
How lovely. You’ve had superb weather.
September 22nd, 2024  
Showing flexibility (always harder than it sounds I think). Shame about the mice!
September 22nd, 2024  
A magical capture and great story telling! So happy that the weather played with and you had a great time.
September 22nd, 2024  
Awesome pic!
How difficult it seems to be to cycle on these roads!
You are so athletic and adventurers!
September 22nd, 2024  
Mice are clever things and perpetually hungry opportunists! Glad you had a super cycle despite the dodgy start.
September 22nd, 2024  
Super shot! At least you didn't forget your tent, like I did once. Ha ha ha! ;)
September 22nd, 2024  
ha ha, mischievous pony!
September 22nd, 2024  
A great scene from your journey.
September 22nd, 2024  
Sooo wonderful to read.
September 22nd, 2024  
A charming white horse wrapped in wonderful light. Lovely narrative.
September 22nd, 2024  
Lovely scene & nice looking horse, despite the twitchy leg.
September 22nd, 2024  
What a view!
September 22nd, 2024  
Glad you’re home safe and sound after what sounds like another exciting and beautiful Munro collection.
Such a pretty scene but the track looks hard to bike on.
September 23rd, 2024  
Wonderful pic! Glad your adventure was a success. Fun to read
September 23rd, 2024  
You were smart to steer clear from the one with a back leg ready to fire! Eek! Such a beautiful photo.
September 23rd, 2024  
Thank goodness for plan B! even though it was a bit unsettling. This is such a beautiful shot...are the horses wild?
September 23rd, 2024  
Awesome capture.
September 24th, 2024  
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