What a discovery by jesika2

What a discovery

When the little butterfly flew past, I thought it was an aging Brown Argus, possible on the area just off Walmgate Stray.
It flew high into the tree - so forget that, BA rarely do that, in fact I've never seen that happen.
Looking at the photos on the laptop I thought I could see a touch of blue, so maybe a faded female Common Blue. I'd just found the first male CB in 10 years in this area, so a possibility. Except it was high in the tree! CB is another low settler.
Must be Holly Blue, but it doesn't look right.
Post on Twitter. Someone will know and tell me what I've found.
3 experts have confirmed and what a find.
It's an aging Purple Hairstreak. Never recorded before in this area. The closest I've seen them is about 2 miles away. I am incredibly excited.
The pictures are poor (lens too short or butterfly too high) but what a find.
Walmgate Stray area
Well done on your discovery - it looks like a good shot to me - fav!

August 29th, 2023  
@fishers Thank you. It's not really a good shot but ANY capture of something new is precious and I am very excited about this discovery. Certainly didn't expect to see Purple Hairstreak there!
August 29th, 2023  
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