Royal Earlswood Park by jmdeabreu

Royal Earlswood Park

This grade II cluster of buildings in a beautiful park, was originally known as Earlswood Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles and was built in 1847. It housed 500 inmates. It later changed its name to The Royal Earlswood Hospital. The buildings have been converted into very expensive apartments, the cheapest one-bedroom units sell for around £250,000. Living here gives you access to the beautifully manicured gardens, its own private gym and a swimming pool. Strange that now people pay a fortune to live in what was once an asylum! The building was used in the Netflix's The Crown.
This is very beautiful!
November 10th, 2023  
It’s almost like stepping into a new world, thank you.
November 10th, 2023  
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