South Downs Way by jmdeabreu

South Downs Way

Back at my favourite lookout post, Reigate Hill. I met a very interesting person here this morning. He’s in his mid-seventies, and also happens to be in IT, or should I say was in IT. We had an interesting chat as he explained how he was playing working on AI, 35 years ago. His company developed some interesting AI for medical diagnosis which is still in use in Edinburgh, and he was also involved in financial IT. He also pointed out that the path, in front of the car park, extending into the woods and over the bridge are part of the South Downs Way. This is a long-distance footpath and bridleway running along the South Downs. The trail runs for 150 km from Winchester to Eastbourne, with about 4,150 m of ascent and descent.
These paths and tracks have been linked to form the South Downs Way for around 8,000 years. Early occupation began 2,000 years after that in the Neolithic era. Burial mounds have been found on these hills and hill forts. The trail was probably used by the Romans.
Most of the route is on bridleways, permitting access for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Occasional short sections are on roads or byways, and these are the only parts on which motor vehicles are permitted. Many pilgrims walk the whole path, and the owner of the Junction 8 Cafe, which is where I get my coffee, has postcards from many who stopped by for the view and lunch.
I could have spent the whole day with this man, and he’s intrigued me, I will try walking some of this path and share any interesting sights.
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