“Someone out there sees you as their lighthouse. Their way home in the dark. Their shelter in the storm. Keep going. For them.”
This is the quote I encountered first thing this morning whilst having my start-the-day-coffee. Take a bow, you know exactly who you are! Whenever we go through the lows in our life, in our day, as will happen, this is a gentle reminder, that you are a lighthouse for someone. You are their beacon. No matter how tough the day gets, without your light guiding that person, they would be lost. They wouldn’t have that shoulder to cry on. They wouldn’t have that person who checks on them when they sleep, makes sure they’re eating - the right quality. That they’re taking their medications, all of them, in the correct order. You are more than just their lighthouse, you are their light house.
This photo is a picture of a gift I received during a site-visit to a wonderful IT company in India, Hyderabad, who were the best hosts, I’ve ever had. The candle was made by a charity which they fund and helps people from a disadvantaged social background. It was fitting that I use this candle as my light house.