Lutador by jmdeabreu


Day 148/365 (11Mar2024) Lutador is the Portuguese word for fighter, and it’s a word that means a lot to Chevy. Throughout his whole life, he was a fighter. But always in a quiet stoic manner. From the bullies at school, through his grades which he really battled, and excelled, and recently through his journey which started at Guy’s cancer centre on the 17th June 2021. He didn’t want to know what his prognosis was, and all he wanted to do was stay positive and beat this monster in his head - as he called it.
I know this may sound controversial, but I’m reading a book written by an NHS doctor who also had a brain tumour. He believes we can’t fight cancer, you survive it! You can’t fight your own body. He goes on to say that it’s not a bad thing to be positive, and that positivity doesn’t kill cancer cells. Doctors, nurses, radiographers and therapists are the cancer patient survive (Brutally Honest, Brutally me - Aria Nikjooy).
The photo today is of the cap his cousin sent him from South Africa, for the Walk of Hope 2023 for the Brain Tumour Research.
#photography #onephotoaday #onephotoadaychallenge #everydayphoto #fotododia #365project #fuckcancer
My heart and my prayers are with Chevy, family and friends. I wasn’t aware until now what type of cancer he is suffering from. I have a dear friend who has had glioblastoma since 27 October 2017. He’s hanging in there and fighting every step of the way. Battle on Chevy.
March 12th, 2024  
Right now, it's just one day at a time
Thank you
March 13th, 2024  
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