Photography  by jmdeabreu


Day 150/365 (13Mar2024) Chevy, was always a keen photographer and I think it stems from the creativity that both boys couldn’t have got from me. Yes, I enjoy photography, but don’t get me to draw anything, unless it’s a stickman - and even that is taking a huge risk. I’m pretty sure he started drawing whilst watching Claude (Big Brother). Both boys loved free-style drawing and when computers came along, it converted easily to digital media. And of course, their love of cars came out in their drawings as well. Chevy was always someone who would do lots of research before jumping in, and so it was with photography. I’m not sure if he went the Nikon route because I had one, but read and read, and eventually decided on a specific model, and he already had a list of lenses we wanted to put on his wish list. He loved trying out new techniques, and would plan and plan and plan, and in some cases it would mean buying props or more equipment. An only when he was ready, would he then spend a whole weekend experimenting and perfecting his shoot. The photo today includes some of his lenses, plus his little notebook, or as he called it, “Photography Cheat Sheet”.
Yesterday and today, mostly he was ok, but before dinner last night, he was not feeling well. He felt dizzy and faint. He had the feeling of being disorientated, but it was just a feeling as when I asked questions, he was spot on with his answers. His dizzy, was strange, as it felt that his head was spinning around but his body and the room were standing still. It was also making him a bit nauseous. I have reported this, and doctors have prescribed another anti-sickness pill. Tonight he was able to enjoy his dinner, with no spinning heads, nor spinning rooms.
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