Forgotten Souls by jmdeabreu

Forgotten Souls

In the hushed stillness of St. John's Church graveyard, time seems to stand still. The unvisited graves, their weathered stones cloaked with moss and lichen, stand as silent guards, whispering tales of forgotten lives and unfulfilled dreams. Sunken and overgrown, these forgotten resting places bear witness to the relentless march of time and the fading echoes of laughter and tears.
A lone woodpigeon, perched atop a moss-covered headstone, seems to mourn the passage of time and the fading memories held within this melancholic sanctuary. Its mournful coo echoes through the stillness, a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the enduring power of love and loss.
Each untended grave holds a story, a life once lived, a love once shared. The faded inscriptions on the headstones offer glimpses into the past, whispering names and dates that have long since faded from memory. The silence is deafening, broken only by the rustle of leaves and the mournful calls of the pigeons.
Yet, even in this melancholic scene, there is a strange beauty, a haunting reminder of the impermanence of life and the enduring power of memory. The forgotten graves of St. John's may be silent, but their stories live on, etched in stone and whispered on the wind.
Thought for the Day: In the quiet moments, remember to cherish every moment, for life is a precious gift, and every memory a treasure to be held dear.
Very poignant. Lovely composition.
May 25th, 2024  
May 26th, 2024  
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