March 13 by jo54

March 13

1st book of 2016! I always say… “Enough with the WWII plots of all of these novels! Can’t we read good books that don’t have something to do with Hitler!” Well I thought that when I first started to read this book however shortly, I became enmeshed with the characters and their stories. Two sisters and their own individual way they chose to deal with and cope with the Nazis invading France, destroying their country and their way of life. This is an amazing story, one that everyone should read to get a better perspective on how that war, no doubt, impacted the everyday people of France. It will move you on many levels… emotionally, intellectually, and physically.
I love this author, she never disappoints. She always gives you a realistic visualization of the scenes and the people. One of my favorite novels of all time! MUST READ!
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