Every Moment by jtsanto

Every Moment

The tragedy of today is nothing new to human kind. It's not something that happens every day - the magnitude of it and the resultant grief are overwhelming - but it's not uncommon for young souls to leave us far too soon. It's not rare for us to say goodbye when goodbye is the very last thing we we should be saying. Still, I can think of no better way to live life than to acknowledge the pain and then embrace every moment. Find solace in the love surrounding us and never take it for granted because it could disappear at any time, without any warning. So they laughed together and I captured their love and happiness. And I thanked whatever is was in this world that allowed us all to still be together.
You put things so well and it heals my heart. I love you and Sheri and JT, brother. I'm grateful for having you in my life.
December 18th, 2012  
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