Also known as "alternating tread stairs" they are used in spaces where you don't want to use much of the floorspace for stairs. They are used on ships and in "tiny houses" of today.
What a magic place you have here Junko. Love the whole space, so welcoming. I've seen a good few pretty comprehensive home libraries, but nothing in the same league as yours.
What a wonderful library! I worked in a children's bookstore for 5 years and amassed 4,000 children's books for my son. He could read before starting kindergarten and talked at 5- 9 months with single words. Now, I have these pristine autographed books to pass on to my 3 grand boys. Reading is such an important skill for life.
@gardenfolk -- which are your favorite of your autographed books? My husband kept his in the guest bedroom, all pristine and covered in mylar. Me? I kept mine in this library, read and used them, and recently gave away the ones that the international libraries I was donating to needed.
thank you for your supportive comments. Although the 30 days April challenge is over now, I am committed to finishing out 30 photographs of my library. I'm learning all kinds of photography skills I hadn't taken time or been interested in learning before, namely how to figure out lighting and flash and processing to make it seem natural with so many mixed sources of lights. @redy4et -- we had a wonderful architect. We bought the house 25 years ago because it had this extra building behind the house. The original owner was the builder for the neighborhood and he built this two-story high building to house his big equipment in. The previous owner turned it into an artist's studio, and we converted it into a home library. @edorreandresen -- yes! you recognize Max! (the one that is visible is a hand puppet) @domenicododaro -- come back again and you can go up and down the intended way! @gilbertwood -- if you are in the Chicago area, come by and visit! @dallboy -- it's the home library in a building behind the house. @Weezilou@summerfield -- come back when this isolation period is over! Maybe the library will be more organized than when you were here.
Thank you all for your interest in my 30-days of April-May-June? Pandemic Project.
thank you for your supportive comments. Although the 30 days April challenge is over now, I am committed to finishing out 30 photographs of my library. I'm learning all kinds of photography skills I hadn't taken time or been interested in learning before, namely how to figure out lighting and flash and processing to make it seem natural with so many mixed sources of lights.
@redy4et -- we had a wonderful architect. We bought the house 25 years ago because it had this extra building behind the house. The original owner was the builder for the neighborhood and he built this two-story high building to house his big equipment in. The previous owner turned it into an artist's studio, and we converted it into a home library.
@edorreandresen -- yes! you recognize Max! (the one that is visible is a hand puppet) @domenicododaro -- come back again and you can go up and down the intended way!
@gilbertwood -- if you are in the Chicago area, come by and visit!
@dallboy -- it's the home library in a building behind the house.
@Weezilou @summerfield -- come back when this isolation period is over! Maybe the library will be more organized than when you were here.
Thank you all for your interest in my 30-days of April-May-June? Pandemic Project.