unknown by kali66


This plant appeared in my garden, I dont know what it is and I don't remember planting it
It looks like (Silene latifolia) the white campion to me. But leaves are needed for accurate identification.
November 4th, 2023  
November 4th, 2023  
@haskar the flowers are a light pink but it does seem to be a campion (silene) interesting reading about it on a homeopathy page, the indications are very fitting right now! makes me think perhaps plant allies just show up when needed.
November 4th, 2023  
I have seen those growing wild here.
November 4th, 2023  
A lovely surprise!
November 4th, 2023  
Google identifies it as a catchfly. it reminds me of something that grows here - a wildflower.
November 5th, 2023  
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