I have been told I have an expressive face bahahahahaha!
Oh I must tell you I saw Marcel Marceau perform in Wellington 30 years ago! my crazy cool art teacher took us as a school trip. I still remember that it was just him on the stage, no props and yet he took us on a journey on a train that we could envisage vividly, unforgettable, masterful.
not that old then - there is a timelessness about him - dont worry i'll take a hat some flour and piece of charcoal down to the beach and surprise brian with it - did marcel do naked??
@jo13@jocasta simple really, after lassoooing the three photos and pasting into one, merge down and change to black and white, I used colourefex for this, I think the midnight filter which blackened out the background, because I don't have the right kind of hat!, but for the makeup I created a new blank layer and painted with a 'chalk' brush at 25% opacity with either black or white over the face area, and voila!
@kali66 Many thanks for brilliant detailed processing - I'm going to experiment - I'm doing a two day photoshop course in London this weekend - so hoping to learn lots.