wow, I did not notice the toppings are like this. My observation is still hopeless. I am the person who cannot remember if a person is wearing a glasses or not even being togeter for many years.
very expository...calm, uncluttered, balanced just loosely enough to give it room to breathe into your face. the browner coloration (not really saturated as an actual mild sepia, i figure) adds to the vague alienation i feel from this.
@ubiquitybutsomewhatdownsized wow, I am glad you are around, you make me see my own work in a new way, and also put a voice to what is purely instinctive in me
@acloserlookpbd thanks Dawn, these ones in particular were pretty wimpy and limp due to rain so I have to agree with you, but I have some red opium poppies that I just love!!!!